Savings and Loan Rates

Rates effective January 1, 2025

Rates subject to change monthly | Annual Yields are compounded monthly

Grand Prairie Credit Union may match CD rates of other Financial Institutions

Certificates of Deposit

$1,000.00 Minimum90 Days3.00%3.041%
180 Days3.25%3.298%
365 Days3.50%3.556%
2 Years3.60%3.659%
3 Years3.75%3.815%

*Annual Percentage Yield Compounded Monthly | Rates subject to change Monthly. Early withdrawal penalties may apply to Term Share Accounts (CDs). Grand Prairie Credit Union may match CD rates of other Financial Institutions.

Club Accounts

Regular Shares0.05%0.050%
Super Share RatesTo $4,999.990.10%0.100%
To $9,999.990.10%0.100%
To $24,999.990.10%0.100%
$25,000.00 & Over0.10%0.100%
Club Accounts0.05%0.050%
Draft Accounts0.05%0.050%

Loan Rates

Vehicle Loans
New Vehicle2 Years6.00%
3 Years6.25%
4 Years6.50%
5 Years6.75%
6 Years7.50%
2020 – 2025Up to 5 years6.75%
2015 – 2019Up to 4 Years7.75%
Classic Vehicles
Under $25,000.00Up to 3 Years7.50%
Over $25,000.00Up to 5 Years7.50%
Motorcycle Loans
New MotorcycleUp to 5 Years7.25%
2020 – 2025Up to 5 Years7.25%
2015 – 2019Up to 4 Years8.25%
Watercraft Loans
New WatercraftUp to 7 Years7.00%
New Over $25,000.00Up to 10 Years7.00%
Pre-ownedUp to 5 Years7.75%
Pre-owned Over $25,000Up to 10 Years7.75%
Motorhome / Travel Trailer
New/Pre-ownedUp to 10 Years7.25%
Farm Equipment
New/Pre-ownedUp to 5 Years9.25%
***Credit Union may match dealership rates for loan types stated above.
Secured Personal Loan Rates
Share Secured3 Years5.00%
CD Secured3.00% Above CD Rate
Personal Loan Rates
3 Years9.00% to 14.00%
Over $4,000.00Up to 5 Years10.00% to 15.00%
Personal Loans with Collateral3 Years7.00%
5.00% A+ rating
Mastercard / Gold / Platinum12.99%

0.50% deduction on loan rates for payroll deduction or automatic payments excluding personal loans. 3.50% will be added for A- loans and 0.50% will be substracted for A+ loans excluding personal loans. 1.00% interest rate reduction on personal loans for each collateralized loan with Grand Prairie Credit Union.